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WineWeedWomxn: The Friday Kickback & Release

Fri, May 12


Puerto Rico

An all womxn's get together in the interest of healing through social connection, centering BIPOC womxn's experiences and wellness.

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WineWeedWomxn: The Friday Kickback & Release
WineWeedWomxn: The Friday Kickback & Release

Time & Location

May 12, 2023, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

About the Event

It's time for the next WineWeedWomxn session on Friday 6p-10p, 5/12/23.

WineWeedWomxn is an all womxn's networking get together in the interest of healing through social connection, centering BIPOC womxn's experiences and wellness.

BYO....Wine, W**d, Womxn to our social and wellness circle to meet and bond with other womxn on a path of healing. You also don't have to bring nor indulge in any of the wine nor ouid. No judgment zone. This is a free event with limited capacity. RSVP at link in bio or to secure your spot and receive location information. SolFlowers @solflowersconnect

30min Discussion Topic: Community & Collective Economics for Wellness and Prosperity

Presenter: Dez/Desdemona Smith (IG: @Sunsoul_Ary)

At this session we will have a brief discussion on the value and roles of community, and how collective economics empowers communities. After the discussion, stay to play some games, dance and commune with each other. #holisticwellness #socialwellness

WineWeedWomxn will be at a new location this week in Luquillo. We are partnering with woman owned, community oriented @Lovesoulbeautiful for this edition. Show up, commune, shop local makers, play games, etc.

RSVP at link in bio or to secure your spot and receive other venue specific information. @solflowersconnect

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